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    In the early 1920s, Georges Laffont (Romain Duris), traumatised by the horrific trench warfar, decides to leave his life behind and travel to West Africa into the vast territories of Upper Volta in the company of Diofo, artist and also survivor of the Great War. From village to village, Georges uses Diofo's talents as a griot to recruit the villagers as labour for plantations in Ghana. But his adventure leads him to a dead-end, and he comes back to Paris where is brother Marcel (Grégory Gadebois), a war invalid, lives with their mother's. After the war in Europe, life went out without him. Georges will desperately try to find his place, with the help of Hélène (Céline Salette), a sign language teacher with whom he will have a tumultuous relationship, and his family, that he selfishly left behind. He will finally attempt to heal their wounds, and his.


    • 9.0正片任侠看护草彅刚,黑木美沙,堺正章,香川照之,安田成美
    • 3.0正片瑰觅郭家诺,侍宣如,丁丁
    • 8.0正片勇气Alex,Kendrick,Kevin,Downes,Ben,Davies,Matt,Hardwick
    • 4.0正片雄狮(国语版)戴夫·帕特尔,鲁妮·玛拉,大卫·文翰,妮可·基德曼,桑尼·帕沃,纳瓦祖丁·席迪圭,塔妮莎·查特吉,迪普提·纳瓦尔,马尼克·古纳拉塔尼,本杰明·里格比,萨罗·布赖尔利
    • 3.0正片情义我心知黎明,杜汶泽,Chapman,To,张耀扬,杨贵媚,叶璇,叶山豪
    • 9.0正片狐狸猎手史蒂夫·卡瑞尔,查宁·塔图姆,马克·鲁弗洛,西耶娜·米勒,瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫

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